The following activities provide practice with the topics introduced in this chapter. Packet Tracer Activities…
Read MoreManagement Ports (17.4.2)–Cisco Switches and Routers
Cisco NetworkSimilar to a Cisco switch, the command-line interface on a Cisco router has several ways…
Read MoreFollow-the-Path–Cisco Troubleshoot Common Network Problems
Cisco Network, Router Boot ProcessFollow-the-path is one of the most basic troubleshooting techniques. The approach first discovers the traffic…
Read MoreRouter Boot Process (17.4)–Cisco Switches and Routers
Cisco NetworkBecause the router is just a specialized computer, the boot process is the same as…
Read MoreWireless Router LEDs (20.2.2)–Cisco Troubleshoot Common Network Problems
Build a Small Cisco Network, Cisco NetworkRegardless of whether the fault is present on a wireless or wired network, one of…
Read MoreIn-Band and Out-of-Band Management (17.2.3)–Cisco Switches and Routers
Cisco NetworkThe two methods to connect a PC to a network device to perform configuration and…
Read MoreSwitch Boot Process (17.2)–Cisco Switches and Routers
Cisco NetworkCisco switches go through a boot process similar to that of your computer or smartphone.…
Read MoreExpandability–Cisco Switches and Routers
Cisco NetworkNetworking devices come in both fixed and modular physical configurations. Fixed configurations have a specific…
Read MoreObjectives–Cisco Switches and Routers
Cisco NetworkUpon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions: Key…
Read MoreSwitch Virtual Interface Configuration (19.1.2)–Cisco Build a Small Cisco Network
Cisco Network, Switch Virtual Interface Configuration, Switches and Routers, The Cisco IOS Command LineTo access the switch remotely, you must configure an IP address and a subnet mask…
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