Hotkeys and Shortcuts (18.2.4)–Cisco The Cisco IOS Command Line

Cisco Network Switch Virtual Interface Configuration Switches and Routers The Cisco IOS Command Line

The IOS CLI provides hotkeys and shortcuts that make configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting easier.

Commands and keywords can be shortened to the minimum number of characters that identify a unique selection. For example, the configure command can be shortened to conf because configure is the only command that begins with conf. An even shorter version, con, does not work because more than one command begins with con. Keywords can also be shortened.

Table 18-3 lists keystrokes to enhance command-line editing.


Table 18-3 Keystroke Shortcuts




Completes a partial command name entry.


Erases the character to the left of the cursor.


Erases the character at the cursor.


Erases all characters from the cursor to the end of the command line.

Esc D

Erases all characters from the cursor to the end of the word.

Ctrl+U or Ctrl+X

Erases all characters from the cursor back to the beginning of the command line.


Erases the word to the left of the cursor.


Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Left Arrow or Ctrl+B

Moves the cursor one character to the left.

Esc B

Moves the cursor back one word to the left.

Esc F

Moves the cursor forward one word to the right.

Right Arrow or Ctrl+F

Moves the cursor one character to the right.


Moves the cursor to the end of the command line.

Up Arrow or Ctrl+P

Recalls the previous command in the history buffer, beginning with the most recent command.

Down Arrow or Ctrl+N

Goes to the next line in the history buffer.

Ctrl+R or Ctrl+I or Ctrl+L

Redisplays the system prompt and command line after a console message is received.


Although the Delete key typically deletes the character to the right of the prompt, the IOS command structure does not recognize the Delete key.

When a command output produces more text than can be displayed in a terminal window, the IOS displays a –More– prompt. Table 18-4 describes the keystrokes that can be used when this prompt is displayed.


Table 18-4 Keystrokes for Navigating the –More– Prompt




Displays the next line.


Displays the next screen.

Any other key*

Ends the display string, returning to previous prompt.

*Except y, which answers “yes” to the –More– prompt, and acts like the Space.

Table 18-5 lists commands used to exit an operation.


Table 18-5 Keystrokes for Exiting a Command Mode




When in any configuration mode, ends the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode. When in setup mode, aborts back to the command prompt.


When in any configuration mode, ends the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.


All-purpose break sequence used to abort DNS lookups, traceroutes, pings, and to interrupt an IOS process.

Video—Hotkeys and Shortcuts (18.2.5)

Refer to the online course to view this video.

Packet Tracer—Navigate the IOS (18.2.6)

In this activity, you will practice skills necessary for navigating the Cisco IOS, including different user access modes, various configuration modes, and common commands used on a regular basis. You will also practice accessing the context-sensitive help by configuring the clock command.

View Device Information (18.3)

The Cisco IOS provides commands to verify the operation of router and switch interfaces. The commands are commonly known as show commands.

Video—Cisco IOS Show Commands (18.3.1)

Refer to the online course to view this video.

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